It's amazing that none of the highest rated, or most viewed, posts on my blogs have anything at all to do with the subject matter the blogs were set up to talk about.
By far, BritishSpeak is my most successful blog ever. It only has 318 posts, but I stopped blogging on it for a year (2009) more or less. Even with going that long without posting, the damage had apparently already been done because it still gets around 1500 or so unique page views a month, over 1000 unique hits. This is down, of course from it's heyday before I abandoned it for a year, but still MUCH more (more than twice) as my other blog, Clarity 2010.
Search engines are amazing things. BritishSpeak is (or was intended to be) about the differences in American and British English, and then it slid into anything at all about the two countries relationships, words or anything else. But by far the most successful post on BritishSpeak, traffic-wise was a post I did in 2008 explaining how to put an animated gif in your blogger post. That post still got 146 hits in the past 30 days. Ah, well.
In Clarity2010 (actually Clarity2009) the most popular post is still one entitled "Shaved Pussy". It wasn't very long. It illustrates how important it is to select good titles for your posts.
Anyway, back to the power of search engines. BritishSpeak gets hits from all over the world; always has. Saudia Arabia. Iran. 5 from Moscow this month. We're still big in Norway and
Sweden - thank you very much indeed. Great Britain is down this month: 197 visits from 54 cities. The vast majority from England. Canada is up. Western Europe is holding it's own. Thank you South Africa and Australia for keeping the faith. It wouldn't hurt to have a comment now and then. Just saying.
The most still come from the U.S. They break it down by state and California is the highest this month. There must be a lot of expat Brits in California. In fact, there were only 4 states this month that haven't hit BritishSpeak. Screw you West Virginia. Screw you South Dakota. Screw you Mississippi. And Montana, I think. But I would never screw Montana. They only have one computer up there anyway, and that is in a library somewhere.
I forgot what the point of this post was supposed to be. Sorry.

Well now. You prompted me to have a look at my stats, only to find I have none that stretch back more than a week or two. All the same I don't believe I have anything like that number of visitors. Maybe I need some pussy posts myself.
ReplyDeleteMight I recommend "Tractor Porn", as a post title.
ReplyDeleteI did that once, long ago, and it seems diesel-dribblers around the world, every day, are typing "tractor porn" into search engines.
If only I'd thought to include "shaved pussy" into the title too, I'd be a hitcounter millionaire.
See shaved pussy tractor-porn, with rubber, and tight thrusting piston action, um, extreme pressure lubed.....
here: http://gritinthegears.blogspot.com/2009/04/tractor-porn.html
Googlebot, just get your mind out of the gutter!
Sheila, don't be crude, ok? :)
ReplyDeleteJesus, Soubriquet.
Well, I was trying to find out how to post an animated gif... and I end up reading about your blog stats...