Saturday, June 23, 2012

Trouble in Blogger comments?

If anyone is having problems commenting on any of my 3 blogs, I would appreciate you letting me know. Problems like slow typing -  if the comment display typing does not keep up with your keyboard typing, lags behind your typing. Thanks.


  1. No problems here either. If I did, I am fairly sure it would be my problem rather than yours, even though some say you are always something of a problem.

    1. *Something* of a problem? Hmm.

    2. Thank you Sheila, for both your technical and personal observations. :)

  2. No problems with either Firefox or Chrome.

    1. Thank you for check A. :) I appreciate it.

    2. If it's only Britishspeak, could it be anything to do with the three or four Blogcatalog widgets you have? Or the Technorati ones? Or Australian time? Take them off one by one.

  3. Yes, I have that one, slow typing. And it's mostly one-fingered typing too, and I sometimes hit the caps-lock key.
    There's sometimes transposition and unintentional dyslexia. Or gobbledygook.
    If there's a patch or update to cure this, please let me know soonest.

    1. So the blogger comment box can't keep up with your typing speed?

      I DID find a patch for your particular problem, although it will take about 4 hours to install in your personal memory. You can find the patch here.

  4. Thank you for that, I'll have a try, but I think I'll probably just persevere with the one-finger typing, because I'm not too sure I'm capable of learning new skills.
    When I learned how to drill square holes, I completely forgot how to dance. I fear that if I learn touch-typing, my brain may over-write some more vital skill, like, say, breathing.



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