Saturday, May 10, 2008

Doodle Rabbit


  1. If he came to see me as a child I would have nightmares. No really very nice. Where the f#$%%$#k you been.

  2. If you came to me as a child I would have nightmares too.

    I been here. You just won't talk to me.

    Why are you up at this hour?

  3. Fathered by David Letterman?

  4. You would not have nightmares with me buddy!

  5. David Letterman. Heh. Sort of, huh? Thanks for stopping by, Mark.'m going to have to talk to you by comments tonight, or what?

  6. Would you rather it were in person? I am going to my dashboard

  7. Cute. Is this animal or monster?

  8. Now you know why I didn't want to get involved in this. I told the world I was no good at this, that I would only take abuse. And now it's even coming at me from the North Pole. What have I done to deserve this?????

    Hi Stine. I've missed you. Where have you been?

  9. I think he's a fairly respectable rabbit ... the bow tie is the clincher.

  10. The next PlayBoy logo :o)

  11. ummm, yeah - I'm sensing a new trend ...

  12. Canucklehead, good morning. Good noon. I must admit that is the first time I have seen the words "Canucklehead" and "sense" that close together. They just don't seem to go together.

    But, if you are still here, and I suppose you are not, you might go down a couple of posts to see where I honored your idol Debbie. And if you do, you will also see where she honored us. Two more photos have been added to the post. Three if you count her current visage.


    Francis, you always seem to have something good to say. How hard you must have to look some days. Like now. But thank you! :)

    Eddy, yeah. How true. Playboy. Well, at least I am being partly successful in talking girls into posting pictures of themselves with little clothing on, eh? But you were talking about the rabbit I'll bet. How are you today, my designing friend?

  13. kimo & sabi- heh. Nice teef indeed. In real life, with the cake, it was chicklets. Don't know if you know what cicklets are. Thank you for coming by.

  14. Wow, scary rabbit! You copied me first, heh.

  15. No Max, NO! Do not call my darling Canucklehead back. You know what my father said about men who drink beer seeing my pics!

  16. Alison-we both look at the time stamps of our posts, and can easily tell who copied whom. Yours is still much better, more authentic. I was first. But,you probably had your doodle finishe long before I, and just didn't post it until later. Yeah. That's it. :) You know, I am starting to become defiantly proud of that little rabbit. I have been (good-naturedly) chided from Norway to South Africa. That pretty much takes in a whole side of the planet, doesn't it? Who else among us has had his doodle so universally vilified? None of you. :) :)

    Debbie, Daddy Dearest notwithstanding, I still think Canucklehead should be allowed to worship at the shrine of your teenaged awesomeness.

    But I can't find him. :(

  17. But I can't find him. :(

    proof, dear Maxie, I am Goddess, hehe.

    Or maybe proof that I am protected. By the way, love the bunny. My home is the home of a former bunny. (No, not me, an actual Heffner bunny!)

  18. Okay then ... why is it that all of these doodles that I'm seeing don't look like doodles but like full-blown drawings? I thought a doodle was just some lines on a piece of paper or something but it apparently has evolved to a more advanced form ... and in this case, a scary one at that!

  19. Debbie.





    Hi Linda! You are right. My "regular" doodles are just too ugly. Can't do it. Have to cheat. And even then it's really bad. (Have finally taken the hint though.) Glad to see you back safe and sound. Missed you. :)



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