These are the only words in the English language which start with "gn". You can copy this post and save it for reference if you want to.
gnomon (an old favorite of mine)
and, of course.... gnu.
Gns is the abbreviation for guineas. Bet you didn't know that. Me neither.
All the rest are simply variations of the above, abbreviations, or scientific terms that don't count. I consider Gnathostomulida and it's brethren to be scientific. Just so you know. Foreign words like gnocchi that have crept into the language don't count either. Old Norwegian words are acceptable, though.
I'm a Gnu
ReplyDeleteSpelled G-N-U
I'm g-not a camel or a kangaroo
So let me introduce
I'm g-neither man or moose
Oh G-no, G-no, G-no - I'm a Gnu
Thank you for introducing me to Flanders and Swann. I must do some more research on them for a BS post. :)
ReplyDeleteI wonder why gnosh isn't in the dictionary? Maybe because it is probably spelled knosh. :)
I think the appropriate question isn't why aren't there more words that start with gn-, but why are there any?
ReplyDeleteI first heard a variation of A's song on the Muppet Show. Not sure what that means, but there you go. For some reason, remembering it triggers a replay of the song "Would you like to buy an O?" from Sesame Street or one of its PBS brethren.
I have yet to understand why I can't remember people's names or any more acronyms, but I have the lyrics of nearly every song I've ever heard irrevocably stored in my noggin. Knoggin? Gnoggin?
(Proof: Would you like to buy an O, as in opening the door. A near to perfect circle, really could you ask for more. It'll cost you just a nickel [A nickel!] Sh! So buy the O and take it home tonight, don't ask any questions. Just buy the O and take it home tonight!)
Also available, every verse of "Senor Don Gato" from when I learned it in third grade.