Saturday, July 20, 2013

Prince Harry accidentally reveals royal baby gender!

Such was the headline of a stupid celebrity gossip site that Google stuck in front of my face when I searched to see if anything royal had been born yet.

Give me a break! Even Adullamite wouldn't believe the crap that site cranks out. I wouldn't even read it if I didn't have to do some serious research for my own blog.

According to "reports", the site gushes, "Harry has been telling everyone Wills and Kate are having a boy and how THRILLED he is at the prospect of having a little nephew.

And thus dropping His Harryness down to about 117th in line to the throne. Thrilled. I'm sure.

Ok, 4th.

I think.

And if he lives to be 400, Harry might become king. Of something.

"I'm 'enery the ninth I am, 'enery the ninth I am I am
I got married to the widder next door
She's been married eight times before
And every one was an 'enery
She wouldn't have a willy (Ha!) or a Sam
(No Sam)
I'm her ninth old man named 'enery
'Enery the ninth I am.
Holy crap!"



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