Friday will mark the second month of this blog's life, and, almost unbelievably, I am on schedule with the project. This is pretty amazing because this was a spur of the moment undertaking that I decided to insert, somehow, into my already tight list of writing and blogging projects. (Not to mention earning a living at the same time.) So I am happy with where the book is right now. I had hoped for a fall publishing, and that appears easily within reach.
Part one is coming together nicely. Part one is the collecting of words and phrases that are new or different to me as a speaker of American English. As always, I spend an hour or so each evening "digesting" the new words I have collected for the day. The list is very long now, and I work hard at keeping it organized.
As we "slide" into Phase Two this month, the story writing will intensify until it becomes my only real focus here. Posting will perhaps become less frequent as I spend more and more time on the private production blog BritishSpeak2. But I fully intend to keep this blog active.
I want to also thank those who have been participating in the story writing behind the scenes. Especially, I want to recognize Claire and Ann. You have both been so friendly and helpful. And patient with me. Kelly and Andy will have their arms twisted painfully during Phase Three. And I have high hopes that Linda and Stine and Alison (and perhaps even Catherine at times) will translate my own writings into actual British English. We shall see.
Onward and upward.
A book?! Well, you are an ambitious rapscallion - aren't you? Hmmm, well -- Canucklehead's wheels are now turning ... I'll be back!
ReplyDeleteUmmmm...And you thought I was here...why?--to be humiliated and laughed at by the Brits? That I had a death wish? What?
ReplyDeleteGood morning, my friend. My BUSY friend... :)
Really only 2 months? I've surely had this buzzing in my ear for far longer than that :) I can't even remember how you came into my life: you feel like a permanent fixture.
ReplyDeleteIt seems longer than that to me also. You were one of the first to come to my aid when I first stared this project, so that's why you are so weary of me. :)
ReplyDeleteRest assured that when, if, I ever must leave this blog, I will drag you kicking and screaming along to whatever my next project is.
But you have much labor ahead of you on this one yet.
That picure is hilarious!
ReplyDeletethat's so great news! you're moving fast! it took me eight month to write the draft!
ReplyDeleteDon't tell me you haven't figured out my secret yet???
ReplyDeleteI'd never presume to translate into Brit, Max - but thanks for the vote of confidence... Norwegian, French? Any time.
ReplyDeleteI have enjoyed the project so far and its not a topic that I could get sick of.
ReplyDeleteI love making fun of Americans!
Stine, well ok then. But you should know that Max had a much higher opinion of your ability to tell stories than what you are saying. Hope you will still come around, though. :)
ReplyDeleteClaire, it's not even 7am here yet and you're starting in already...
ReplyDeleteBut I wouldn't have it any other way. :)
Pre-order you copies now! Canucklehead is proud to announce that pre-sale orders are now be accepted for BritishSpeak, the making of the book! Order now to save yourself digging through bargain bins later!
ReplyDeleteHey its 2pm here so I need to get insulting!
ReplyDeleteClaire, well you need to start to doing SOMETHING if it's 2 pm. Put down your doodle pen and roll out of bed. That would be a start. :)
ReplyDeleteCanucklehead speaks from experience. He has a book sitting on the $2 tables right now, himself. A ghost-written little turd of a book about how to survive in Canada on $8 a week by eating out of dumpsters. I think I was the only one who even read it. But I didn't buy it. I found it in the trash at the airport one time.
ReplyDeleteI'm impressed, and will try and help, honest!
ReplyDeleteI know you'll help, Alison. I've know that from the very first time I met you on the blog. When I get more stories written, you will help me edit them so they don't just sound like American crap. And, in the meantime, you'll contribute cool words now and then, like those Scottish food words today. OK? You are special to me. :)
ReplyDeleteOoh, I had no idea you were writing a book. Exciting stuff man!
ReplyDeleteThe little puppy's tail begins to wag 19 to the dozen as one of his very first blog friends re-emerges.
ReplyDeleteHi baby girl. Max has missed you. Not talking about your comments either. You know?
Are you back? Are you at least on your WAY back?
You are the greatest.