Please use this space to ask Claire questions about her Hamburg trip. She probably won't have enough space to do it on her own blog, so this post can be the overflow for her. Also, feel free to use this space to pay homage to ettarose and tell her how much you love her camel pictures and goofy black hole stories.
I know it is pretty desparate, but Max is not proud. Max just wants company. Even if he has to drag Claire's and ettarose's names into this to do it. Just forget Max is here, ok? He is working hard at trying to be funny with another vile Fat Bastard Post.
Hi max, I just stopped by to see the latest. I just did a new post. Quite clever one if I do say. Please come check it out. I am going to try and get on the Internet tonight. First I a have a safety meeting. That is about an hour. Then a few reports and data to enter and then I will be seeing you on here somewhere.
ReplyDeleteettarose, you just beat me by a couple of seconds for this first comment on this new post. I'll come over RIGHT NOW and evaluate what you consider to be clever. :) And I'll be waiting for you if you get on the internet tonight, if you've got the guts to stop by while Max is doing his taxes. He'll be really pissed at Uncle Sam tonight and will be glad to take some of it out on you as well. Just kidding, ettarose. Stop by for some love. Maybe Claire will come dragging in too. Doubt it thogh, since she is likely dead tired. You never can tell though. Claire's a zombie. And I mean that in the best possible sense. :)
ReplyDelete@Claire - please feel free to use some of this space to post any hamburg pictures that don't make the grade for the REAL Claire site. (And are you absolutely SURE you won't admit to this being your alter-site? Pretty please?) :) Max is glad one of his favorite ladies is back safely. :) :) :) Yummy, too!
What the?!! I came here looking for a chubby llama lover. I think Google misled me. Anyway, you've been tagged!
ReplyDelete@Canucklehd - I'm still working on it. However (and this saddens me to admit how far britishspeak has fallen) I have decided to post the more-than-unpleasant post about Fat Bastard on another one of Max's less restricted blogs. Sorry. I am constantly admonished to clean britishspeak up, and have sadly made a decision to comply. I haven't yet decided which of my more, ummm...more free-spirited blogs the Fat Bastard will desecrate yet. Not Relax Max Unleashed--Candy Girl would never allow Fat Bastard to soil her dainty boudoir or stain her beef pictures. He really just doesn't fit in any of Max's sexual categories. We'll find somewhere for him, though. Just not here. Sorry. Watch for more pictures of American landscapes... :)
Tagged? You must have Max confused with someone who is POPULAR in the blogging community. Oh, I get it. The title of this post. You mean you're tagging Claire or ettarose. Sure. Why not.
btw, Canuclehell, why are you up so early? Or did you just not go to bed yet? Or can you not find you house again?
@Canuclehea - Ok, I found it on your blog. First visitor of the month, I was. I hadn't seen it at first because I had expected you to post it under "love."
ReplyDeleteHaven't fully absorbed it yet. You speak in a odd convoluted Canadian manner. Give me time to translate your ramblings. I'll be back to address your tag.
btw, Canuclewhore, now I see why you've been up all night. That's quite a post. Go listen to some Wayne Newton records for a while, and let me delve into this a little deeper...
good morning max. although, it's kind of late here in my part of the world. how are you today?
ReplyDeleteMuch better now, my lovely orange one. :)
ReplyDeleteCome help be translate that pseudo contest over at Canucledick's blog, will you? He has it under the "Life" button. Really.
I'll bring the coffee. Bundle up--it's cold up there once you get past the huddled hoards at the border. :)
@Canuck - NAMBLA? No, I'm not going there. I don't have to: Bill O'Riley sends me updates. He often mentions you name, btw, when he does stories on NAMBLA, though.
ReplyDeleteI'll be back. Just wanted to let you know how tough the reading is over there.
It's a meme. What a surprise. And how is it possible that even YOU could lose a bid for Mayor of London (Ontario).
ReplyDeleteJust kidding. In a city that large, there are apparently too many people with good sense. :)
Back I go--but I can tell you right now that if Max blogged about his greatest attribute, Faintheart would fucking faint. Heart.
FRAGILEHEART. Sorry, Reg. The Canuck just flusters Max. :)
ReplyDeletei've just returned. Marmelade loves Canada. But it's freezing there. Can Canucklehead put the heater on? Please. Marmelade is a mediterranean girl.
ReplyDeleteWhere is that coffee?
ReplyDeleteOk. I think it has sunk in. Damn but I hate having to think so early in the morning. Especially about non-sexual things.
I think I've deduced that in your usual lazy and slovenly manner, you have simply cut and pasted fragileheart's original 8. If I am wrong, then I will apologize and begin to take you seriously. I don't think I'm wrong, because none of the 8 things comes close to anything the Canuck would ever do. Especially run for Mayor of London or try to fuck one of Fidel Castro's body guards. Am I right? If you will take the time to actually write down your own eight things--or direct me to the February post where you did this--then Max will expose himself to the world. If not, well, there will be holy hell to pay for wasting so much of my precious time, powerless one. :)
Oh Marmelade! You KNOW we discussed that you would stop using the word Mediterranean on the blog. You KNOW that word gives Maxy visions of Marmelade laying on the sand in her tiny orange bikini, pant, pant, pant,....
ReplyDeleteAre you still reading the Canuck's contest, my dear? Or have you gone back home then?
I'm home with a cup of tea. I don't understand canadian language. too bad, canuck seems like such a nice lad and I really have a soft spot for Canadian guys. He wouldn't talk to me, though. Marmelade is sad. She's gonna spend the rest of the afternoon reading literature.
ReplyDeleteMax, I am sorry for the doggy story. If that is why you have not been by. If it is for another reason then I am not sorry. I just posted a link love story (it is Tuesday)and there are some folks in there that you will know. I am going to bed now. sniff sniff. No I am not crying.
ReplyDeleteOn the other hand, Max is very superstitious and takes memes ever so seriously. Therefore, upon further thought, Max has decided to take the Canuck seriously--rather than risk a curse from the meme gods--and go on the assumption that these things Canucklehar listed are really and truly attached to the actual Canucklehiss meme. Max will therefore comply tomorrow. Reluctantly. But what Canucklehelm doesn't realize is that once, when Max was penniless in a filthy jail cell in Juarez in his youth, Max prayed on his knees for deliverance, promising to do anything God required. And God delivered Max, sending an almost forgotten Mexican prostitute to pay Max's bail. In return God required that Max particiapte in all memes in the future, and to never kill Canadians again. (God did not require Max to be NICE to Canadians, thankfully.)
ReplyDeleteSo Max will participate tomorrow. But he just wanted you to know the real reason.
Oh Marmelade. Poor baby! Don't let that cold Cancucledrum get to you. Maxy and Yummy will care for their poor insulted sweet orange one!
ReplyDeleteJust don't talk about your soft spot in public. OK?
And Marmelade? Pay not attention to ettarose's jealous ravings on her blog this morning. Marmelade knows her Maxy is true and would never treat the delicious orange one like a common CAT! peeewwww! :)
ReplyDeleteGood Morning.
ReplyDeleteGosh you guys are very chatty this morning already.
I've been at work a couple of hours already, but I am still in a dazed and confused state.
Nothing like leaving it till the last minute to do your taxes.
Maxi, I've just came back from Rosie. I think she posted the coolest post ever. Everybody's there!!!
ReplyDeleteOh, Rosie's gonna be sooooo popular now!
@Caroline - How nice that you were not permanently frightend away, my new Geordie-speaking friend! But Max perceives there is a problem in Caroline's life--she is EMPLOYED!!! That will never do in America. If you truly seek to learn about America, you must live the American way. On welfare and food stamps. Or, as the British used to say, and perhaps still do, "on the dole." Give your notice at once, my dear, and come a bloggin' with us. Hear? :) You need to be earning your keep WRITING--at least by writing stories for Maxy's book...
ReplyDelete@Marmelade - Max has peeked in the window over there several times this morning, to bask in the slime as it were. Pithy comments to follow when enough tension has built up. (A new comment, too, on the orange oracle's blog-like thing.) :)
I agree, however, I would not be allowed to stay here in the US if I was not working, and would have to return back to the UK, something I am not quite ready to do yet. I need to teach you americans how to speak propa first! :)
ReplyDeleteI realised (yes with an s) yesterday that I have not written a story in a long long time... I think since I was at high school. I have told plenty of stories of course, but actually writing them is a whole other kettle of fish.
I seem to be having issues of double posting today, guess its the reverse of the black hole that I recently read about.
ReplyDeletePS--and if you ever change your avatar to a cat, Max will kill himself, ok?
Just sayin'...
Max, I think you should play nice with Caroline. She seems such a lovely ingenue girl. It's such a refreshment to meet such nice people among all the louts who hang out here, on your blog.
ReplyDeleteHello Caroline! You should quit that job of yours. You make us feel like a bunch of flops.
@Caroline - Does Caroline taunt Max, knowing that Max must restrain himself? Hmmmmm?
ReplyDelete@Marmelade - I will promise to do that. But you are not a lout, my dear. Yummy is trying to get your attention over at your blog, btw. He says you don't answer his emails either. Poor Yummy, Does he have to come over here to find Marmelade?
Ha! Just as I expected! Caroline doesn't know Yummy. That means no one has told her yet about Max's shitzoid multiple personality disorder. She will think she only has to defend in one direction! This is going to be GREAT! Whistles softly to himself and rolls his little doggie eyes.
ReplyDelete2 more hours.......
trust me, if you knew what I did for a living you wouldn't feel like a flop.
ReplyDeleteMax, I only met you yesterday, yet I am already aware of your shitzoid multiple personality disorder. Its hard not to be.
Well, Max may not be as bad as you have heard. For example, he (halfway, at least) resisted the temptation just now to ask Caroline just how _____ it was.
ReplyDeleteSo he's getting better.
Its not so much what I heard, than what I have seen :)
ReplyDeleteJust kidding.
Your improvement I think just goes towards validating my first impression.
Anyway, how are you today?
Tell us, Caroline, tell us, tell us! What do you do for a living? Is it something embarrassing? We DEMAND to know.
ReplyDeletePlease, don't let it to our imagination, we can think horrible horrible things. But I believe you figured that much by now.
I think you should all guess... get that imagination going. I can guarentee what you come up with, will be much more exciting than my real job.
ReplyDeleteAnd Caroline, there's really nothing to be afraid of here. Honest. Max is harmless. You've probably read his profile by now, and you understand what people in his occupation like to do, and are sort of good at. So, bearing that in mind, it will have to be Caroline who puts something out there for Max to feed on, okay?
ReplyDeleteBesides, Max just wants Caroline to be comfortable, make some new (albeit rather oddball) friends, and be part of our little blogger group.
And I hope you do.
Well, you obviously have access to a computer at work. So you are probably not in the heavy construction field. And put your face back. (Please?)
ReplyDeleteWhy, is there something wrong with my kitty?
ReplyDeleteI don't know. Max will have to check it out a little closer if you don't mind.
ReplyDeleteYour two hours are up.
what 2 hours? I think I missed that.
ReplyDeleteThen I recommend you carefully retrace the comments this afternoon, because it is now jump and hump time.
ReplyDeleteOh I get it now... should I grab my gloves?
ReplyDeleteMarmelade, explain it to her, will you? Max doesn't have a clue about the gloves thing.
ReplyDeleteAnd when you finish, explain it to Max, too. Please. :)
And tell her if gloves was supposed to be smutty that Max didn't get it and tell her to be more direct, if possible. But tell her not to use bad words. She must do it with regular words that drive Max crazy with inuendo. Go ahead. Tell her.
Well, I'm not sure, but I think she's ready for the challenge. That's French talking, I believe. When someone drops a glove means they challenge someone. If you pick the glove, it means you accept that challenge.
ReplyDeleteNow Max, you have my permission, nay, my request, to unleash yourself on Caroline. Show me what you got, baby!
Thanks marmelade, glad you could be there to help.
ReplyDeleteMax, I was not being smutty at all, as you can now tell.
I have a question for you Max, why do americans only use a fork when they eat?
Marmelade, you know the rules. Max can't start. Max can only respond. Otherwise Max comes off the wall and scares them off. You would have Caroline run screaming away from Max. No. This must be done gradually, let Max feel her.....out a little, ok?
ReplyDeleteCaroline. I don't know. Why do American's only eat with a fork?
And Marmelade? Please don't take this the wrong way exaulted orange one, whom Max so respects and even reveres... But you've given Maxy a raging horn again with that glove talk. Just so you know. Things may get a bit sticky before the afternoon is up. :)
ReplyDeleteYour going to feel me? Wow, you don't waste anytime do you.
ReplyDeleteI don't know why they eat with only a fork, thats why I was asking... I thought you would know, but you don't. I always look like such a foreigner when I sit down for dinner, as I am there with my knife and fork. I just don't seem to be able to eat salad and/or steak without using my knife. And cutting up all my food at the beginning of my meal, just seems odd to me.
Oh well.
And you know better than use the word French, too.
ReplyDeletebtw, you're not are you? Never mind. Maxy knows you won't tell him.
Caroline. Well, goodness. I didn't know it was a straight question, or I'd have given you a straight answer: Different rules of ettiquette, that's all. Here you must use only one utensil at a time, and only use your right hand, even if you are left handed (although there is sometimes an exception given for that) and you may only use two at once if you are cutting something, but you can't use your fork to put whatever it is in your mouth until you put your knife back down and transfer your fork back to your right hand. And you really should only cut one piece of meat or whatever at one time rather than have a bunch of little pieces on your plate, and you must rest your knife only the the LEFT side of the edge of your plate. So it's pretty simple, after all. Not logical, just simple. Like periods go inside of quotation marks over here, no matter what, even when it doesn't make sense. You're not a secretary are you? Max has seven cats, but doesn't use them for an avatar. Max is not here to play the lol cat game. Max is here to chat up pretty girls and see how far he can get with them before they walk of in disgust. Fair enough? Oh, and Max is also REALLY wanting to write a book too. So if you are going to refuse to talk dirty to me, will you at least write a story? Thank you.
ReplyDeleteDo you not use paragraphs over here either?
ReplyDeleteThank you for the answer, although it doesn't help me much. Guess I am just going to have to adapt, practice and pick up the American eating ettiquette.
I am not a construction worker or a secretary.
You'll get a story I promise, although I don't know when you'll get it. You'll just check your comments one day, and there'll be a story waiting for you.
What does Max use his cats for, if not for an avatar?
Caroline -
ReplyDeleteShall I indent too, or is white space sufficient? You are starting to sound a little anal like another of my blog friends, who has run off for something or other now, if you don't mind me saying so. No offense. Offence. Whatever.
Yes, Caroline, you're just going to have to adapt. It's part of the adventure in visiting a foreign land. If I ever am lucky enough to go to England, I will grab a knife in one hand and a fork in the other and put the meat in my mouth with my left hand while still holding the knife, and nobody'll be the wiser. They'll think I am a cool Englishman. Unless I start to speak. Which I will try not to do. So don't be so stubborn. After all, we let you eat most of our food with just your bare hands. How much better can it get. Stop going to those places that use knives and forks, I say.
Are you a sensual masseuse?
No pressure on the story. Just keep cuming on my blog every day. In fact, come twice daily if you are able. It will be good for you. You'll unwind and laugh easier. It will make your exile in the US more bearable. Come often, I say. That's Max's prescription for timid British masseuses.
Max doesn't use cats. Max LOVES cats. Max rescues cats. Max spends money on cats. Vets send Max birthday cards for all the money he spends on shots and neutering of stray cats.
But Max doesn't blog about cats. Max blogs in order to chat up pretty......
I just got interrupted by an email from Chase bank that says I can use my Chase credit card to go to the olympics. No shit? Why would an American want to travel to Communist Red China to validate their oppressive fucking society? Even interest-free.
ReplyDeleteNever mind.
I guess today is just an anal day, they happen occassionally.
ReplyDeleteGood luck with avoiding speaking, not something I have ever been very successful at.
I am not a sensual masseuse, although if you know of one, could you send them this way, I think I may be in need of one today.
I hereby promise that I will come again, and again, and perhaps again.... to visit your blog of course.
Do you work for Morgan Chase? Any other bank?
ReplyDeletePerhaps that is the only way they can get people to go.
ReplyDeleteOh! Her lovely face is back. So much for reducing the horn. I give up.
ReplyDeleteurgh, double posting again.
ReplyDeleteNope I divn't work for Morgan Chase, or any other bank.
I put my face back ages ago. Well when I say ages, about an hour ago.
ReplyDeleteWell, Caroline. This is going to sound overly forward, but if you don't hurry up and tell Max what you do for a living, Max is going to just assign you something and you will be stuck with it forever. Last chance.
ReplyDeleteWell you might come up with something better than what I really do.
ReplyDeleteBut if you insist...
I work for Nike as a Transition Manager. You are now free to speculate what a transistion manager actually does, and if you can figure it out let me know. :)
I'm serious. And I will also put Maggie Thatcher and the dog's ass back up in the blog header. Do it now.
ReplyDeleteI just told you.
ReplyDeletei don't want that as a header, I'd be very happy if i never have to see that face again. Although I am not sure i'd be able to tell which is which
ReplyDeleteI said that wrong. That's too crude. I just answered myself, didn't I?
ReplyDeleteNo. Tell me what "pearls RUNNING off a girl's tongue" means.
Or was it "dripping?" Damn. I forgot what it was originally.
ReplyDeleteWell it could mean one of two things, or three if you take my friends defination into acount:
ReplyDelete1. gems, beauties, or nice things to say, or sometimes wise things, i.e. pearls of wisdom - don't expect that from me though.
2. my friends definition would be teeth, although why they would be on my tongue I have no idea, especially if they were my friends teeth, its one thing to bite my own tongue, but I am not sure i'd want someone else doing that for me, perhaps it would depend on who the friend was.
3. shiny droplets of cum, although its more common to hear that reference when speaking of a pearl necklace.
I am assuming you meant 1. although with you, who knows.
while writing my response, i missed your comments, I am thinking you meant 3.
ReplyDeleteWell, I was trying to make it sound a little more classy than that. I failed. Try something else. Ask me about the fork thing again, only mean something very different this time. :)
ReplyDeleteYou expected classy from a geordie? You were badly mis-informed.
ReplyDeleteOn second though, a pretty young girl such as yourself probably has something better to do than bandy words with a little dog. So if you have to go, that's ok. But remember that Max is a night owl, so if you can't sleep, come and play with Max for a while. Do you know what entrecard is? You can use my entrecard email to get my attention if you want.
ReplyDeleteMax are you posting comments to the wrong thread and getting confused.
ReplyDeleteOk. Didn't mean to make you leave. Did you want me to tell you about entrecard?
ReplyDeleteI haven't left. I am still here. I know about entrecard, I have it. You can tell me about it if you like though.
ReplyDeleteUmmmm, probably. Am I in the right place now? Did I make you jump around? Damn. Missed that. :)
ReplyDeleteNo. Linda was down on that Canuckleface thing and I went down to tell her to come join us, but I guess I messed up somehow.
ReplyDeleteI didn't jump around, I have email notice on the comments for the thread from yesterday, so I saw you posted the fork message there too.
ReplyDeleteNo biggie. I am just your cyber stalker for the day.
Well, no, I'm not going to tell you about it if you already know. Jesus. I was just trying to tell you a lazy way that we use to talk with each other or alert each other to come to the blog, that's all.
ReplyDeleteYou sure are polite. Or else you're yanking my chain. don't know which.
You are wrong about one thing though: you are a DAMN good storyteller.
I don't normally move that fast, yanking you already, not very well though aparently as you are not sure if that is what I am doing or not.
ReplyDeleteHad to go spend a penny, did we?
ReplyDeleteThat was one of the first phrases the Brits taught me. Seems like a long time ago even though this blog was started just 6 weeks or so ago.
Of course the language soon deteriorated from bodily functions down to body parts and the the various ways blokes could "get a leg over". Oh! It was terrible what they told me. :)
I can imagine, seems there's an abundance of insults, names for body parts, body functions and so in the English language.
ReplyDeleteIf you want to read an example from a master British story teller, scroll down the front page to the guest post by Lord Likely, as he gives a crash course in the various British names for onanism. (Which I didn't even know what it was before that either.)
ReplyDeleteSo. Anyway. Please come back and talk whenever you need a friend or just can't sleep. I am very happy to have met you Caroline. :)
ReplyDeleteI am now lost in your previous posts... I'll keep this thread open in a separate window though, should you want to continue nattering. I see you quite often end up talking to yourself.
ReplyDeleteI have a headache trying to read all this!
ReplyDeleteSorry Claire, its all Max's fault. I am not sure much of it is worth reading. Especially not the bits I wrote.
ReplyDeleteYes, Caroline. I do. I just commented about your geordie comment. Was asking the difference between geordie and the cockney of the East End of London. Never heard geordie actually spoken, so can't tell by that...
ReplyDeleteHi sweetheart. Welcome back. Missed you. Yeah, I know, long converstations, mainly. Worth your read though. Wink Wink. Hope you are rested up enough to night owl a little with me tonight. Or are you crapping out already?
There's a huge difference between the two. Although I know nothing of the orgins of cockney. My mum is from London, but she moved up north when she was a kid, so she never spoke it. Some peeps I went to uni with did, but I never really understood what they were saying, i mean apples and pears, ruby murry...
ReplyDeleteWell they rhyme things with words that have something to do with the main object, but not the object itself. So it's pretty hard for others to understand. But I want to know more about geordie.
ReplyDeletebtw, my friend Claire is from the North WEST of England, but she seems to know quite a lot about geordie.
ReplyDeletePeeps, I assume you mean us and not the radioactive marshmallow things that you guys eat here.
ReplyDeleteHave I scared off your other friends? Am I monopolising the Max? I didn't mean to.
ReplyDeletebrummie = someone from Birmingham.
ReplyDeleteA friend of mine from uni was a brummie, another was from Spain, they decided to give each other language lessons.
One day the spanish girl was gazing out the window, when asked what she was doing she replied with Just daaaaay dreeeamin' (OK i have no idea how to write that phonetically). I belive Ozzy Osborne is from there.
Urgh well its time for me to go back biscuits (a.k.a cookies). Got a party at work, which I need to take something in for. I'll be making good ole shortbread. Not that you care.
ReplyDeleteNo, you haven't frighted everyone off. Claire is back from her holiday to Hamburg. Claire is very popular. Everyone who would possibly be here is there now goggling her pics while she holds court. Amazing she stopped by here for a few seconds. Don't worry, whe wouldn't have read any of it anyway. i myself am reading her narrative as I type this, reading in another window. I guess it's pretty apparent she has me wrapped around her little finger like everyone else on the internet. Be warned. You will make a friend for life who would die for you. Better stay away from her. But if not it's crpitt.blogspot.com C'mon over and meet her better.
ReplyDeleteoooh do i have the 100th comment, or did someone get in before me?
ReplyDeleteWell, if you must. The invitation to talk at night is always open. 'Bye for now.
ReplyDeleteLater. You can ping me if you are around. I'll be up for a long time yet. I had way too much coffee today.
ReplyDeleteIsn't that absurd? And we were just casually chatting. ;)
ReplyDeleteI am confused.. .what is absurd?
ReplyDeleteAs usual we were commenting at the same time and they got out of order. It was a response to your note that we had passed 100 comments today. Which is an absurd number of comments, don't you think? Especially when probably more than half were by the same 2 people! Worked for me, though! :)
ReplyDeleteIt is indeed absurd, and I am no longer confused... at least not for the moment.
ReplyDeleteMy shortbread is now in the fridge waiting to settle, then I can slice it and bake it. What an exciting life I lead.
I do believe that I have left more comments on your blog today, than I have left on all other blogs till this point all added together and mulitplied by 1.3789.
speaking of food, have you ever had toad in the hole?
ReplyDeleteMy God! I hope not! Not on purpose anyway!
ReplyDeleteYour shorbread is sure making my mouth water, though.
So tell me, what is the toad? Is it good?
toad in the hole has very little to do with shortbread, but it is a favourite of a couple of my us friends here.
ReplyDeleteIt is made of yorkshire pudding and sausauge.
Yorkshire pudding is made pretty much of pancake batter, but they are cooked in the oven. Normally they are made in a muffin like tray. This is not the case when making toad in the hole however, its more likely to use an oven dish.
The sausages that are used are typically pork sausages, and they are placed into the batter then baked in the oven.
toad in the hole picture
I realise that my toad in the hole recap was indeed quite boring, but you don't need to stop speaking to me because of it. \(0.0)/
ReplyDeleteWhat you up to on this wonderful wednesday evening?
Ummmm I answered that, hon. Didn't it come through?
ReplyDeleteStick around for a minute. I want to show you something, ok?
that what you say to all the girls isn't it :)
ReplyDeleteHeh. How could I have missed that one? You're funny.
ReplyDeleteI can't find my toad thing. It must have been sucked into one of those black holes, I guess.
No, I wanted you to look at my tomorrow's post in a few minutes. OK?
Sure, sounds like a plan.
ReplyDeleteBehind my serious exterior, I have a funny interior, which occassionally glimmers through.
See, the black holes do exist... I am unsure how you could have doubted them. Next you'll be troubled with double posting. I am still unsure what is causing that phenomenon.
Why is there no spell check for comments?
It's almost done. Give me 30 minutes at the most. Don't crap out on me, now. There's a special reason I want you to read it.
ReplyDeleteTake your time. Its only 7:37 here. I am no where near knackered.
ReplyDeleteWest Coast girl, huh? I don't know why, but I had you pegged for the other direction. Weird. :)
ReplyDeleteI thought I told you I was in Portland Oregon. I guess not.
ReplyDeleteI am from the Eastside of the UK, maybe that's why you thought it.
I'm blocked. I have to think up 8 good things I have done in my life. Can you help?
ReplyDeleteIs that 8 good as in good deeds, or 8 good as in interesting and exciting?
ReplyDeleteI think I've got them. Now all I have to do is think up 7 more lucky people to inflict myself upon. :)
ReplyDeleteyes you do, and quickly... :)
ReplyDeleteSo pleased you made me wait for that.
Do you think we should make some comments as some point about the wonderful Claire's Hamburg Holiday, and/or Ettarose... this thread is supposed to be for them you know :)
Question: why have you lured me to this thread again? Do we not yet have enough comments here? Is there a world's record we are close to? Do you not realize one of the reasons I wanted to get this last one posted is so I wouldn't have to keep going all the way down that long list of commnet? Get up on top again, woman!
ReplyDeleteNow, that I do believe you say to all the girls!
ReplyDeletethe other post seems to have disapeared...
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteBalls. I just accidentally deleted my own coment.
ReplyDeleteAnyway - 120 comments? Excellent work! My hat is off to all those responsible!
(Max and Caroline!)